10 Ideas for Things to Do on Maternity Leave – Before and After Baby Arrives

Looking for ideas of things to do on maternity leave? It's a whirlwind of anticipation, excitement, and the inevitable question, "What do I do with all this time?" (Spoiler: your concept of time will shift dramatically once the baby arrives...) And while some people may try and suggest you are having a ‘holiday,’ we all know it's far from that. There’s so much to do and learn - and you’ll be doing it all on limited sleep. But, with a little planning, this period can also be a chance to prepare yourself for the adventure ahead and savour precious moments with your baby.

Whether you’re waiting for your little one to arrive or already knee-deep in nappies, here are some fun and practical ideas for things to do while you are on your maternity leave. 

Before Baby Arrives – The Calm Before the Cuddles

  1. Get Your Self-Care On

As long as your baby doesn’t make a surprise early appearance, the first week or two of your maternity leave is your time to pamper yourself. Whether it’s indulging in a prenatal massage, having long bubble baths, or binge-watching your favourite series in comfy pyjamas (bonus points if you’re in a super soft maternity bra and leggings), now is the time to treat yourself. Schedule in those long naps guilt-free, because as much as you are probably already struggling to sleep through the night and so are already feeling exhausted, it is not going to get better any time soon. 

  1. Antenatal Classes – Not Just for the Baby!

If you're a first-time mum, or even if you're not, antenatal classes can be a game-changer. You'll learn everything from breathing techniques for labour to the nitty-gritty of nappy changes and breastfeeding. Plus, it's a great way to connect with other parents-to-be before the baby arrives. Don't be shy - you'll probably be lifelong friends once you’ve shared the experience of birth, which usually involves the level of detail even your oldest friends may not want to know about you!

  1. Master the Art of Nappy Changing on a Teddy

If you’re a bit unsure about how to tackle nappies, start practising on a teddy bear or even a doll (although maybe a cat might give you a more realistic experience!) It’s a fun way to get a bit of confidence under your belt. But if you want a real experience of what it’s like on a wriggling baby, borrow one – because while its one thing to master the technique of doing a nappy up, its another to put it on a moving baby. Bonus tip: practice in the dark. Midnight nappy changes are a thing.

  1. Build Your Mama Network

You know that saying, “It takes a village”? Well, now is the time to start building your own, because there is never an easier time to meet new people than when you are about to, or have just had a baby. Join local mum-to-be groups, sign up for baby yoga classes, or even connect with fellow mamas online on platforms such as Peanut. Knowing others who are going through the same thing can be a lifesaver when you need tips, advice, or just a good vent about swollen ankles. 

  1. Create a Baby Bucket List

We’ve all heard of bucket lists for travel and for life, but how about making one for those first few months with your baby? Think of small, memorable activities you want to achieve, like taking your baby to the park for the first time, introducing them to your favourite childhood book, or having a baby photoshoot in that adorable outfit you’ve been saving. Having little goals can keep things exciting when the sleep deprivation kicks in and helps you to start envisioning the lovely experiences that come with having a baby.

After Baby Arrives – The Adventure Begins!

  1. Find Your Feeding Groove

Whether you’re breastfeeding, bottle-feeding, or doing a combination of both, feeding time is bonding time. But it can also be a little overwhelming at first. Take your time to get comfortable and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Get yourself a good feeding bra and make use of the many brilliant lactation consultants, online support groups, and apps to track feeds (if you're into that kind of thing!). And hey, even if you end up mastering the art of one-handed feeding while scrolling through Instagram – that's a win in my book!

  1. Embrace the Nap-Time Hustle

When your baby naps, you’ll quickly learn that’s your window for getting things done (assuming they don’t sleep on you, which is very much a ‘thing’ too). But here’s the trick: if your baby does nap in their cot, don’t feel pressured to be productive. Yes, some naps might be spent folding laundry or grabbing a shower, but others should be 100% dedicated to you. Nap when the baby naps if you can (you’ve heard it before because it’s true), and if napping is hard, relax and read a few chapters of that book, or even sneak in an episode of your favourite show.

  1. Take Time to Get Outside

Newborns love a good pram stroll, (especially if they are a bit grouchy) and the fresh air will do wonders for your mind too. Pop the baby in the pram or sling, grab a coffee (or herbal tea if you’re feeling healthy), and go for a wander. You’ll be surprised how therapeutic a little walk can be, especially if you’re feeling cooped up, even on the most miserable of days.

  1. Join Baby Classes and Meet-Ups

Once you’re ready to emerge from your baby bubble, look into local baby classes or meet-ups. Baby sensory classes, music groups, or even baby swimming lessons can be a great way to get out of the house, meet other parents, and bond with your little one. It’s also a good excuse to get dressed in something other than PJs, although you will never look out of place if you’re styled up in your Natal Active leggings and breastfeeding hoodie.

  1. Celebrate the Little Wins

Some days, it might feel like all you’ve done is survive – and guess what? That’s a huge achievement! Celebrate those little wins, whether it's mastering the swaddle, surviving a grocery run with the baby in tow, or successfully getting through your first solo outing. Motherhood is a journey, and every small victory deserves a mini celebration (or at least a cup of tea and a biscuit!)

Final Thoughts: You've Got This, Mama! 

Maternity leave is a time of discovery, not just for your baby, but for yourself as well. Whether you’re prepping for their arrival or figuring out how to juggle feeds and nappy changes, remember: there’s no right way to do this. Listen to your instincts, be kind to yourself, and enjoy the ride – messy nappies and all!