Behind the scenes at our factories

Behind the scenes of my trip to the Natal Active factories in China

This summer, during a family trip to Southeast Asia, I took a little detour to visit the two incredible factories that create Natal Active’s maternity and breastfeeding clothing. It was my first time meeting them in person, and let me tell you—it was a long time coming! After launching during Covid, and with travel restrictions and family commitments piling up, I’d only ever connected with them over Zoom and WhatsApp for the past four years. So, yes, I left my husband and kids for three days, a bit nervously, to fly off solo into something totally new, but I was beyond excited to finally see where our products come to life.

The trip didn’t just meet my expectations—it blew them out of the water. I came back with a deeper understanding of the people, the process, and the passion behind every single item we make.

China Gets a Bad Rap, But…

Let’s talk about China for a second. It tends to get this reputation, doesn’t it? People hear “China” and think of mass production and questionable quality. In some cases, sure, that might be accurate—but not for the factories I work with. Since 2019, these two businesses have been at the heart of Natal Active, and the level of care, precision, and dedication they bring to every piece is astounding. It’s not just about hitting production numbers; it’s about crafting products that really matter, with attention to every little detail.

Run by Mums, Made for Mums

Here’s what really makes our factories special: they’re family businesses, both run by mums. And as mums, they know exactly what other mums need. I’ve collaborated with them closely over the years, tweaking designs and pushing for perfection, and every time they take our vision and elevate it. Whether it’s the softness of a fabric, the practicalities of a design, or those subtle details that make all the difference when you’re pregnant or breastfeeding—they are all over it. It’s like a beautiful exchange of mum-to-mum knowledge that weaves itself into every product.

The Legacy of the One-Child Policy

I also learned some deeply moving stories while spending time with my teams. For example, one of the factory owners shared how her mother had to hide in the woods to give birth to her because of China’s then one-child policy. They even had to pay a fine upon her birth, and this was as recently as 1985 - not so long ago. Stories like these remind me how incredibly resilient these women are, and how lucky I am to work with such inspiring people who’ve been through so much yet continue to thrive.

My Celebrity Welcome!

One thing I didn’t expect? The grand welcome! There were gifts, flowers, and even a mini-parade from my teams. It was overwhelming in the best possible way. The attention extended beyond the factories, too. I was in an area where not many Westerners visit, so I became a bit of a local celebrity! Kids even wanted photos with me—it was all very surreal and heart-warming.

But It Wasn’t All Play…

Of course, I was there to work, but it was definitely one of the most fun aspects of running a maternity and breastfeeding clothing business. I spent hours going through hundreds of fabric books, selecting materials for our next collection, and trying on countless samples to test new ideas.

This is one of my favourite parts of the job, especially since I get to wear these samples during my workouts before we even consider bringing them to market. Fun fact: many of the samples I wear are in colours I’d never actually sell (because let’s be real, I don’t need 50 pairs of black leggings in my wardrobe)!

Seeing the process first hand—from fabric selection to pattern cutting to sewing—was such an eye-opener. The level of detail and craftsmanship that goes into each piece was inspiring, and it made me even prouder of the work we do.

 And a Little Downtime...

Despite the heat, I also had a chance to explore the local parks (complete with karaoke booths!), markets, restaurants, and even visit the Opium War Museum, which was a fascinating dive into the region’s history.

Small Business, Big Impact

This trip was a powerful reminder of how small businesses like Natal Active can create a ripple effect far beyond what we often see. When you buy from us, you’re not just supporting my little business—you’re helping the families that run our factories, our marketing team, and so many more. Knowing that our orders contribute to their growth fills me with pride. I left with a renewed sense of confidence, knowing these incredible teams will continue to deliver the quality and care you expect. It feels like we’re all part of something bigger.

Here’s to family-run businesses, expert craftsmanship, and the amazing connections we build across the globe. And here’s to always remembering the human side of everything we do. ❤️